
অর্ধবৃত্ত – সাদাত হোসাইন

৳ 399.00 ৳ 375.00

বইয়ের নামঃ অর্ধবৃত্ত
লেখকঃ সাদাত হোসাইন
প্রকাশনীঃ অন্যধারা
“জীবনের সবচেয়ে সহজ এবং জটিল সমীকরণের নাম সম্পর্ক…অর্ধবৃত্ত মূলত সেইসব সম্পর্কের সংযোগ,সংকট ও সমীকরণের গল্প। বিভেদ ও বন্ধনের গল্প। যার আদ্যোপান্ত জুড়ে রয়েছে জীবন।
প্রশ্ন হচ্ছে,সেই জীবন কী,পূর্ণ না অর্ধবৃত্ত?” –সাদাত হোসাইন (অর্ধবৃত্ত)
অর্ধবৃত্ত মূলত স্কুল শিক্ষক মুনিয়া ও সদ্য ইউনিভার্সিটিতে ফাইনাল ইয়ারে পড়া রাফির জীবন জুড়ে থাকা দেয়াল ও দ্বিধার গল্প।
এদের জীবনের প্রেমগুলো একসময় গল্প হয়ে যায়। এইসব গল্পে একদিন জোনাক জ্বলা সন্ধ্যা ছিলো। অবাক জোছনা ছিলো। প্রতিশ্রুতি,প্রতীক্ষা,আঙ্গুল ছুঁয়ে থাকা সময়-সবই ছিলো। গল্পের চরিত্রগুলো তবু ফিরে আসে নতুন গল্প হয়ে। হেলাল হাফিজের মতো বলে ওঠে ‘চলো পালাই’,পরক্ষণেই রুদ্রের কবিতার মতো ‘ইচ্ছেগুলো মরে যায়’। অবশেষে অসহায় হৃদয় মহাদেব সাহার কবিতায় ‘আশ্রয় নেয়’। ঝরা পাতার গল্পগুলো এভাবেই সত্যি হয়।
মুনিয়ারা এভাবেই বেঁচে রয়। আর জীবনের বৃত্তে জড়িয়ে রাফিরা দেয়ালে দেয়ালে লিখে রেখে যায়,
“আমাকে হারাতে দিলে নিখোঁজ বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে ছেয়ে যাবে তোমার শহর”।
[woodmart_title size=”small” align=”left” title=”আরশিনগর – সাদাত হোসেন (ARSHINAGAR by Sadat Hossain) Book Full Reviews:” woodmart_css_id=”604e25c166d18″ title_width=”100″]

I read the first book of Sadat Hossain.
The name of the book is ‘Semicircle’.
Until I read it, I did not get involved in any discussion or criticism about Sadat Hossain. I don’t think I have the right to make fun of what I haven’t read, or to make fun of others. The amount of jokes, jokes and criticism I saw, I thought I would not be able to move on after 10-12 pages. But let me tell you how I read this 36 page book.
The book was on my desk. Randomly.
Why did I open the book a little while having lunch. I read up to 25 pages and finished eating. It looked good, but I didn’t have time to read around noon. At eight o’clock at night again I did not have the book in hand. And the 38-page book was finished at half past two in the morning. After reading, I was surprised and thought, why so much tulakalama his writing? Why does ‘Ha-Ha’ react when you see his name? Why did he make so many haters?
I don’t know if you understand how nice it is to read 36 pages with 10-12 pages of preparation, and how much quality the writer needs for it.
The author’s philosophy is the father of his writing. Sadat Hossain’s ability to see life is immense, which I have to achieve – you have to strive for many years. Each writing, arranged step by step like a ladder, is part of the writing.
Just as a writer, he must be called extraordinary. What he is like as a person, whether the marketing strategy is good or bad, the conversation is arrogant or soft — these are beyond the scope of the book. In my opinion, it is unreasonable to drag personal life while talking about writing. Undoubtedly, as much as he is popular, he deserves as much popularity through writing.
But the thing that Sadat Hossain’s writing lacks is detailing. He has drawn on emotional places without providing useful and visual information in several places. Also writing would have been more interesting if there had been some variation in word choice.
Those of us who spent our adolescence reading ‘Humayun Ahmed’ may find some similarities in another place. It seems to me in 5-6 places in the book ‘Semicircle’ that if the author of the book ‘Semicircle’ had been ‘Humayun Ahmed’ instead of Sadat Hossain, then these lines would have remained the same.
This only applies to lines 5-6. Maybe the author is also a little influenced by Humayun, or the style and structure of the sentence is close, or the way of life philosophy is the same. Throughout the rest of the book, the author’s unique style seems to exist. At least, I have to say that people have exaggerated it and painted it in a way that can never be understood by looking at people’s reactions without reading books.
After the semicircle, I ordered these two books ‘Arshinagar’ and ‘Megheder Din’. Hopefully these two books will raise more ambitions about the author.




সাদাত হোসাইন বই


সমকালীন উপন্যাস


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